Virtuoso provides AR/VR services by leveraging the latest technology, such as immersive 3D visuals, haptics, and audio. Our technology allows for the creation of interactive experiences, such as 360-degree videos, virtual reality simulations, and augmented reality applications. We can develop custom-made applications for a variety of platforms, to provide an optimal experience for the end user. Additionally, we can integrate AR/VR services into existing applications and websites, allowing for a seamless transition between the real and virtual worlds.

Custom AR/VR development

Identify the project’s goals and objectives and develop a plan to meet them. Sketch out the design and use prototyping techniques to create something tangible. Develop the application and include the necessary features and functionalities required. Test the application and deploy it to the intended platforms. Ensure that the final product meets the goals set out in the project plan.

AR/VR Experience Design

Identify the goals and objectives of the users interacting with the technology. Creating a storyboard and interactive elements that fit the user’s needs and objectives. Building the experience with the appropriate AR/VR technology and testing it with users. Deploy the experience and continually monitor and update it to ensure the best user experience.

Hardware-level development

Develop the physical components needed for the device, such as headsets, controllers, and other hardware components.  Design hardware specifications based on user requirements and performance needs. Create a prototype and test it for user experience and compatibility with software. Finalize the hardware design and have it manufactured for mass production.